List of Accommodations and Modifications

Approaches to Learning

  • Simplify and repeat directions as needed
  • Add visual supports and cues (charts, pictures, color coding)
  • Sequence learning tasks from simple to complex
  • Give repeated opportunities to practice skills
  • Provide immediate, positive, descriptive feedback
  • Use manipulative and sensory materials that are developmentally appropriate
  • Utilize a developmentally appropriate schedule (consider length and order of activities, time for transitions, provide reminders when changes in schedule are planned)
  • Offer choices so children can follow interests and strengths
  • Use concrete materials or examples
  • Provide time to process experiences and information

Physical and Motor Development

  • Ease handling (make materials larger, add handles, attach rubber grips to pencils, provide different materials such as spring loaded scissors, adaptive paper, or hole punch)
  • Ensure accessibility (add Velcro, develop a hand splint to hold materials, attach an elastic cord or string to objects so that they can be easily moved or retrieved)
  • Enhance visual clarity or distinctiveness (add contrast or special lighting)
  • Allow extra time
  • Understand that some children will avoid or seek sensory items or activities (paint, glue, clay) and allow children to pass or explore in order to meet sensory needs
  • Provide opportunities to use pincer grasp of thumb/forefinger (gluing small pieces of paper, peeling or sticking stickers, picking up small objects with fingers)

Social and Emotional Growth

  • Adjust environment (be aware of lighting, noise level, distracting visuals, physical arrangement, place materials for easy access, play soft music)
  • Consider child’s seating to support engagement (near adult, away from doors or windows, or other children who would distract)
  • Allow for focus or calming breaks (quiet area, a place to move, “special helper”)
  • Allow for focus or calming materials (squeeze ball, putty, sensory item)
  • Provide support for transitions (visual and verbal cues, songs, materials, ringing bell)
  • Model coping strategies to deal with overwhelming feelings
  • Label and discuss children’s feelings
  • Establish one-on-one time where child can confide in teacher
  • Intervene as needed (help a child join ongoing play or activity, solve a problem, resolve conflict)

Communication and Language

  • Provide verbal prompts for vocabulary words or responses
  • Allow children to demonstrate understanding in multiple ways (in own words, songs, pointing, using visuals, communication boards or device)
  • Use increasingly complex words, in context, and explain their meaning
  • Understand that some children may speak languages other than English at home, and identify and explain patterns of spoken English
  • Use letters of alphabet as they come up in real life situations
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