Complete this form to submit a registration request for class field trip programs.
Jr. Space Explorers (Kindergarten, Grade 1)
How do we explore space? In our Space Station and Mission Control, students use critical thinking skills to investigate basic science and math concepts while learning about NASA's programs.
Constellations of the Night Sky (Grade 1)
How can we use our imaginations to see pictures in the night sky? Can these pictures tell us a story? This planetarium program is designed to bring an awareness of the cycles of the day and night sky, while engaging students' imaginations and creative skills. The content aligns to the Exploring Light and Solar Patterns unit of the NYC Science Scope and Sequence and the Amplify Science Spinning Earth unit.
Astronaut Adventures (Grades 2, 3)
What is it like to live and work on the International Space Station? Students learn about the life of an astronaut through hands-on activities and interactive experiences in our Space Station and Mission Control.
Pushes, Pulls, and Planes (Grade 3)
How do airplanes fly? Students investigate the four forces that guide the science of aviation using experiential activities, model planes, and flight simulators. This program is aligned with the Interacting Forces unit of the NYC Science Scope and Sequence.
Cultural Astronomy (Grade 3)
How have different cultures used astronomy to discover and understand the cycles of nature? This planetarium program can emphasize either Egyptian or Chinese astronomy with content aligned to the case studies of the community unit of the NYC Social Studies Scope and Sequence.
Operation Comet (Grade 5)
"Mission Control, this is Spacecraft. Do you read me?" In this simulated space mission, students learn to work as astronauts onboard our spacecraft and flight controllers in Mission Control as they conduct scientific experiments, maintain safe living conditions, and study a comet. *Please note that we do not currently offer Space Mission: Comet for 4th grade classes.
Stars and the Solar System (Grade 5)
How far away are the stars? How do the stars change throughout the year? In this planetarium program, students build on their understanding of scale and perspective with content aligned to the Stars and the Solar System unit of the NYC Science Scope and Sequence and the Amplify Science Earth and Sky unit.
Astronaut or Pilot Training (12:1, 12:1:1)
NYCCAAM is an experiential, hands-on learning center and our programs are adaptable to most special needs populations. Our facility is wheelchair accessible. It should be noted that some of our programs do have bright flashing lights and loud sounds.
Astronaut Training and Pilot Training Programs are specifically geared towards 12:1 and 12:1:1 populations. We work with individual teachers to create a program that is just right for their students. Contact Peter Giles at or 212-608-6164 (ext. 111) for more information.