Vehicle Inspection Standards and Safety

Vehicle Inspections

New York State Department of Transportation Inspection

All vehicles operated in school bus service under contract with the NYCDOE must pass inspection by the New York State Department of Transportation (“NYSDOT”).  Vehicles that have not passed NYSDOT Inspection are considered to be unsafe for the transportation of children.  The operation of these vehicles in school service is a serious violation of the Contract.  Contractors must immediately notify OPT of any vehicle (regular or spare) which shall have failed an NYSDOT Inspection.  Any such vehicle must be taken off the road until the vehicle shall have passed NYSDOT Inspection and a valid 6-month NYSDOT Inspection sticker shall have been affixed to the affected vehicle.

Contractors must maintain an OSS Out-of-Service percentage below 20 % for the duration of their contracts. 

Office of Pupil Transportation Inspection

Except where indicated, inspection standards (guide section) apply to all buses for which the NYCDOE has contracted.  When buses are inspected in the morning before their initial trip, the results of infractions are indicated in the column labeled “Result of Pre-Trip AM Infraction.”  When buses are inspected at other times, the results of infractions are indicated in the column labeled “Result of infractions at Other Times.”  When buses are inspected during the day (whether after their return from morning or afternoon duty), at school or field trip sites, at OPT, or elsewhere, the Contractor is NOT permitted to inspect the bus before being inspected by the OPT inspector.  The bus is to be presented in the condition it is in for arrival at the inspection.  In some cases, these standards require the subjective interpretation of OPT’s Field Inspector.  The judgment of Field Inspectors shall be definitive in the absence of evidence to the contrary.

Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance programs and facilities are required both by NYSDOT regulations (17 N.Y.C.R.R §§ 720.1 and 721.2).The following preventive maintenance program is mandated by the Director and will be monitored by both OPT and the NYSDOT.  Modifications to this program will be allowed only if specifically approved in advance by the Director.

Vehicle file

The Contractor must maintain a file for each vehicle (spare or regular) used under this Contract in the garage where the affected vehicle is stored.  Each file must be made easily accessible to NYSDOT and OPT inspectors and Investigators when necessary.

The vehicle file must contain at least the following documents:

  • Preventive Maintenance Forms for the vehicle (Office of Pupil Transportation Form PM 1);
  • Driver’s Daily Reports for the vehicle;
  • Quarterly maintenance records of Cost-Per–Mile; and,
  • All other appropriate documents or records concerning the vehicle including, but not limited to, repair and parts replacement records.

NYSDOT files on each vehicle must be maintained in a fire-proof cabinet, box, etc., for a period of not less than seven years.

Preventive Maintenance Procedures

Preventive Maintenance Inspection Procedures

  • The Preventive Maintenance Form serves as a guide for the mechanic to conduct and record the preventive maintenance inspections and actions.
  • Preventive Maintenance inspections shall be conducted every 1,500 miles or 6 weeks, whichever comes first.  This requirement applies to spare vehicles as well as to active vehicles.
  • Manufacturer’s manuals must be consulted for determining the correct tools, adjustments and replacement parts required for proper maintenance.
  • The Supervising Mechanic is required to sign each Preventive Maintenance Form upon completion of inspection and maintenance procedures.

Driver’s Daily Report Procedure

  • The Driver completes the first two sections of the Driver’s Daily Report Form for his/her vehicle prior to the beginning of each day’s run.
  • The Driver checks off each item, indicating proper operation or functioning of each item at that specific time, but only after the item has been examined and found to be in satisfactory condition.
  • ALL defects MUST be reported as discovered.  Use the appropriate section(s) to describe all defects.
  • ALL breakdowns and/or accidents are to be recorded on the Driver’s Daily Report Form.  Recording the incident on the form in no way alters existing OPT accident reporting procedures as expressed in the Contract.  
  • Road Hazards (e.g., construction detours, potholes, etc.) encountered by the Driver must be reported on the Form and through the OPT delay system.
  • The Form must be filed in such a manner that it is readily available for NYSDOT and OPT inspectors.
  • The Contractor is responsible for duplicating the Driver’s Daily Report Forms and for maintaining an adequate supply of these Forms.

Accident/Breakdown Report


Accidents must be reported by calling the OPT Customer Service within 15 minutes of occurrence.

  • Proper procedures must be followed to replace or repair the damaged vehicle.
  • Schools and parents must be notified within prescribed time limits, and a log of these calls must be kept showing the time calls were made, the numbers called, and the results of the calls including, but not limited to, the names of the persons reached and their roles at the school or relationship to the children.
  • Drivers must document the accident on their Daily Reports.

OPT may require the Contractor to submit proof that these steps were taken.

Any person employed as a driver who has on three occasions been the operator of a motor vehicle involved in an accident including any accident with another vehicle, object or person, which occurs in this State or elsewhere, in which any person is killed or injured, or in which damage to the property of any one person, including the operator, in excess of $1,500.00 is sustained, or in which damage in excess of two thousand five hundred dollars is sustained to any bus will be subject to reexamination including a road test.  However, if such person is subject to a period of disqualification pursuant to State Vehicle and Traffic Law §§ 509-c or 509-cc, such reexamination shall occur not more than forty-five days prior to the completion of disqualification.


  • Breakdowns must be reported on the OPT web system within 15 minutes of occurrence.
  • Proper procedures must be followed to replace or repair the broken vehicle.
  • Schools and parents must be notified within prescribed time limits, and a log of these calls must be kept showing the time calls were made, the numbers called, and the results of the calls, including the name of the persons reached and their roles at the school or relationship to the children.
  • Drivers must document the accident on their Daily Reports.

OPT may require the Contractor to submit proof that these steps were taken.

  • The Dispatcher will record pertinent information as it is received.
  • Reports are to be maintained in a separate binder or folder and must be made readily available for NYSDOT and OPT inspectors.

Safety Specialist

The Contractor shall provide a Safety Specialist to act as the Single Point of Contact (“SPOC”) to the OPT Safety Director.  Under this Contract, the Contractor’s Safety Specialist must coordinate all aspects of transportation safety for OPT’s school bus program.  The SPOC Safety Specialist will be responsible to attend all safety meetings held with the NYCDOE Transportation Team.

Additional responsibilities of the SPOC Safety Specialist are the following:

  • Decrease the frequency, rate, and severity of, and potential for, accidents involving motor vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles through the implementation of comprehensive safety programs;
  • Develop, document and submit to the Director for his or her approval said comprehensive safety programs which must include a discussion of intent and specification of procedures that will be used to retain safe drivers and retrain and/or dismiss drivers with unsatisfactory safety records;
  • Maintain a valid accident investigation certificate;
  • Investigate accidents according to the course guidelines;
  • Present findings to the OPT safety committee;
  • Provide procedures, training and awareness activities that foster safe work practices for Contractor and Subcontractor employees;
  • Plan, organize and supervise mandated training according to DMV, SED, and NYCDOE rules, regulations, contractual provisions and/or policies;
  • Conduct regular safety meetings to inform Contractor and Subcontractor staff of any changes in laws, regulations, policies and/or procedures;
  • Develop and implement safety related programs, safety workshops, and information systems for the purpose of evaluating driver safety performance; and,
  • Report at least quarterly using a format to be supplied by the Director on all safety related initiatives and their results and more frequently as specified by the Director in follow-up on individual issues and/or problem areas.

Vehicle Storage Locations

At least one week before the beginning of each School Year, the Contractor shall report to OPT all locations (garages, lots, driver’s homes, etc.) from where vehicles are to be dispatched.  Vehicles must be identified by Vehicle Identification Number (“VIN”), bus number, route number, vehicle type, company name and any other information required by the Director.  (OPT shall have the discretion to require this information in electronic format.)

The storage location shall include route number, item number, address, customer service phone number, fax number and any other information required by the Director. (OPT shall have the discretion to require this information in electronic format.)

The Contractor shall report immediately to the OPT Contract Compliance Officer in a manner and form specified by the Director each change in vehicle storage location and the purchase, sale or disposal of any vehicle, with applicable information for each vehicle.

Rear Axle Assemblies

All drivers are to be instructed to be on the alert for rear axle assembly breakdown, the most common of which is a shifting of the rear axle and springs causing the bus body to be out of alignment.

If any driver notes any shifting while the bus is in service, the driver shall bring the vehicle to an immediate halt.  If a visual inspection confirms that a shift has occurred, the vehicle must be brought to a complete stop immediately, and the passengers must be transferred to a spare vehicle.  The defective vehicle may not be used for school service again until inspected and repaired.
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