The New York State K12 Computer Science (CS) and Digital Fluency Learning Standards are currently in use in some schools and are expected to be implemented in all schools in the 2024/2025 school year. These standards include Digital Citizenship, Digital Fluency, and Computer Science. The Computer Science Standards are being aligned to the CS4All Blueprint to help teachers integrate computational literacy, algorithmic thinking, and problem-solving skills in every classroom and at all grade levels.
Curriculum and Resources
A digital resource for schools, the Blueprint for CS Education is an academic and pedagogical guide for NYC educators to deliver rigorous and equitable computer science instruction to New York City public schools. The Blueprint serves as the instructional foundation for all of the professional development training that teachers and school leaders receive through the Computer Science for All (CS4All) initiative, and includes computer science curriculum and educator resources. The Blueprint for CS Education is available at Additionally, CS4All equity resources were created by NYC educators to support building Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education (CR-SE) practices into computer science experiences for students.
Teachers must hold the Computer Science Statement of Continued Eligibility (SOCE) or Computer Science certificate to teach computer science courses after September 1, 2023. You can look at the official NYS website for approved computer science certification programs. Further questions around certification can be found on NYS’s FAQ.
More Information
Learn more about CS4All and the initiative by visiting