ArtSPACE (Supporting Performing Arts and Creative Education) Facilities Grants


ArtSPACE grants support schools with a demonstrated commitment to strong arts education programs to apply for facility, material and resource support to create or refurbish their performing and visual arts spaces. ArtSPACE grants enable schools to move closer to the goals outlined in the NYC Department of Education’s Blueprint for Teaching and Learning in the Arts, the New York State Instructional Requirements for the Arts and a sequential arts program for students in grades Pre-K-12. Grants will be awarded over the 2019-20 school year to up to 25 selected schools or campus sites.

Download the 2019-2020 Request for Proposals, due Monday, April 29th, 2019.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Previous recipients of an ArtSPACE grant in 2014-2019 may not apply.
  • Schools that have received approval for Resolution A (“Reso A”) or NYS Dormitory construction projects in their auditorium or dance studio are not eligible for the ArtSPACE grant.

To apply, schools must possess all of the following characteristics: 

(Note: Co-located schools are eligible and encouraged to apply and should select one school as the lead applicant.) 

  • A commitment to arts education, including a strong arts curriculum that follows the citywide Blueprint for Teaching and Learning in the Arts;
  • At least one visual or performing arts teacher who can support the school’s instructional and arts program vision. Teachers must be NYS certified in the arts at the secondary level, and full-time assigned at the elementary level. (Note: Schools without an arts teacher can submit an “Intent to Hire Letter” along with their ArtSPACE application);
  • All principals in the building must support the project; and
  • A commitment to implementing the project within six months of the award date and to submitting an evaluation form upon completion of the project.
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